Friday, 9 October 2009


It's not so obvious, but these come directly from the messy paintings further down the page. Mainly enamel paints.

.These first ones are on aluminium print plates.

On glass.

And the rest are on canvas on account of the fact I'll be moving soon (less damageable crap to move about)

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New water feature

I have a new water feature (AKA roof leakage) - this one is in my bedroom, above my computer - the other three that I know of are in my studio. This one now has red threads staple gunned to the window frame to 'guide' the water where it 'wants' to go (a container of my choosing)

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Digital infrared completion.

I'm now at a stage where the camera is giving me the results that I desire, it's taken 10 months of sporadic research and camera building to get to this stage. That and over 1500 photographs, many (most) of which fell short of the mark - during this time I've had to assess not only how to get the camera to do what I want - but also how to best post process the images so that they fulfill their potential.

I'll devote a (most probably long) post to this process, but for now - there is the latest batch.

Not too shabby :D
