Wednesday, 2 June 2010

To Come

Stuff wot I need to do.

Secretive squirrel.
1. - A post of the stuff I have on my wall atm.
2. - A Post of some of the digital stuff I've been paying with.
3. - More random artings, I have a bunch of stuff with carbon paper and monotype that I'm getting into atm.
4. - Video stuff - assuming that I manage to get this software to play nice at some stage.
5. - Digi infrared update.

Technical Squirrel.
1. - Stuff about Video and sound platforms that I'm currently attempt to force into work.
2. - Camera profiles - these will be written for my website - I have far more cameras than any normal person would need (and less than I want).
3. - Digital Infrared explanations.

The other blogs will be getting other stuff updated and stuff.



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