Monday, 18 May 2009



Well I think I know what bit me the other night;

That's a beer mug btw. - not a serious bite, just stung a bit. Still gives me the fucking heebie jeebies.

Not pretty, but here it is.


Start of a second one;

And another;

I might be starting to get the hang of this painting lark - 25 years after the fact.

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Bits n' pieces of art.

Random bits n' pieces.

Some dry stuffs, just cos.

Stencil stuff.

Cos painting so it goes all dribbly is quite fun - and harder than it looks :D On camera flash is, as always, a pig.

A new project - I like maps, they're like conquest or ownership in an odd way.

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Getting used to here and animals and stuff.

Pretty moths

One of my studios.

View from a very obscure window in this place. The architecture is obscure.

One of my neigbours - a camera shy cat

And a bunch of birdlife.