Sunday, 3 June 2007

Blurred shots ~ Yayee!!!

I took my new slr for a walk today to show it the sights, am I allowed to call it my new camera? it's about as old as I am, it's an old camera, but it's new to me - kinda like having a new boyfriend I guess.

Anyhow, when I'd taken about 15 shots it started to rain, so I packed the camera away and instead I decided to take a couple of shots with my digicam just quickly to get some shots of what I was seeing. Well, I read a book the other day where a person had deliberately moved the camera on slow exposures to make trees drip and other such madness (very nice it was too), so on a whim I tried a few things with my digicam.

This was a shot of an autumnal tree in an otherwise green area, with a kinda wobbly vertical blur - I've upped the colours in curves cos I'm not a purist :-) I think it looks like fire.

Pine needles with another wobbly blur.

I forget the name of this plant, but it's with a twist blur - rotated the camera. Nice how it captures the center - colours upped a little.

An off center twist.

And by this stage it was raining kinda heavily, you can get an idea how wet it was from this shot - the vertical lines are motion blur, but the reflections are water - motion blur makes it seem wetter than it was - put it this way - I still had an electronic (non-waterproof) camera out but the weather had reached the stage where the precipitation had ceased to be humorous.

I also got a couple of shots I'm gonna try hdr on at some stage.

Now for dinner, woot for mushrooms.


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